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Time System

Longitude and UTC Relation

Example 1 Example 2
New York West ← Greenwich → East Beijing
74 W West ← Longitude [deg] → East 116 E
-74 Negtive ← Longitude [deg] → Positive +116
UTC-5 or UTC-4 - ← UTC → + UTC+8

Given $t_{UTC}$, local mean time $t_{LMT} = t_{UTC} + \frac{lon}{360} \times 24hr$.

For verification, New York is at (40.730610 N, 73.935242 W) or (+40.730610, -73.935242). New York timezone is Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5 in winter, and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) UTC-4 in summer. The calculation based on longitude is $t_{LMT} = t_{UTC} + \frac{-74}{360} \times 24hr \approx t_{UTC} - 4.9hr$, which is consistant with UTC-5.

academics/aerospace/time-system.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/30 20:34 by foreverph