Table of Contents
DisplayFusion | 大屏幕利器啊, |
I use this on a 32-in monitor, split into a nearly 4:3 major screen and a small screen on the left side to read online documents and take nots | |
WinDirStat | FOSS; 分析所有文件夹大小。 |
DriverStore Explorer | |
MouseInc | 免费鼠标增强软件,windows必备,没有更强。 |
Cross Platform
F.lux | Blue light reduction. Control brightness using a overlayer mask. Like the “darkroom” mode at late night. |
Eudic | 目前最好的词典软件。关闭所有快捷键,设置Alt + u 呼出主界面。 |
Knowledge Management
DEVONthink | mac only | simplified mobile | \$99, \$199, \$499 |
myBase | cross platform | no mobile | $79 |
Zotero | cross platform | no mobile | free |
collections/softwares.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/27 00:49 by foreverph